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Safety of Prescription Glasses ordered online


Safety of Prescription Glasses ordered online

In our increasing internet-based society today, online purchase is the norm for many.  The same Boxing Day and post-holiday sales that we have traditionally lined up for in brick-and-mortar stores are now available on the internet.  Eyeglass purchases are no exception.  However, the next time you consider purchasing your eye wear online, consider this:  Who is responsible if something goes wrong?  What value do you place on the service that comes along with your eye wear.  For some, this may be a moot point.  However, anyone who has had trouble adapting to the vision of a new pair of glasses or finds a new frame uncomfortable because it hasn’t been adjusted to fit them will tell you the value of having your optometrist or optician provide the ophthalmic service. If you’re willing to give up service then consider a September 2011 study by a research professor at Pacific University College of Optometry in Oregon that found that 44.8% of eyewear ordered online FAILED at least one parameter of optical or impact testing.

When you make Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry your single source for all of your vision, eye health and eyewear needs, it is simple. Whether it is an eye emergency, glasses emergency, contact lens emergency, we will take care of it.

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