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May is Vision Health Month; Get an eye exam and support the CNIB


May is Vision Health Month; Get an eye exam and support the CNIB

May is Vision Health Month and as part of this nationwide awareness campaign, CNIB and Doctors of Optometry Canada are calling on all Canadians to do one simple thing that could save their sight:  Get an eye exam from a Doctor of Optometry.  As part of Vision Health Month, Dr. Mei-Ling Chan is proud to participate in the Toonie Campaign to fight against vision loss.  Dr. Chan will donate $2 from each full eye exam conducted during the month to support CNIB and its vital community-based services for people who are blind or partially sighted.  She welcomes patients to support CNIB by dropping a Toonie of their own into the donation box at the office.  So, take the time to look after your eyes and support a great cause,  call Dr. Mei-Ling Chan Optometry to book your eye exam today!

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